The CAN Gateway is an interface that routes CAN input and output from ant to the Sound Designer application. It allows Sound Designer to read CAN data from vehicles and driving simulators, and to write CAN data to the Sound Designer Vehicle Unit and/or AVAS Unit. It is required for editing the AVAS Unit. 


Supported Use Cases

The CAN Gateway supports several use cases that involve reading or generating operational vehicle (or simulator) CAN data as well as their distribution to the hardware for in-vehicle fine- tuning and validation.

The CAN Gateway allows editing of the AVAS Unit over CAN. It serves as the interface between Sound Designer and the AVAS Unit and enables editing, tuning and uploading sounds to the AVAS Unit.

The CAN Gateway interface is also re-quired to connect the Sound Designer to a vehicle or simulator in order to input dynamic vehicle CAN data to the sound generation model and control the driving sound generated in real-time on the PC.

The third application is to send CAN data to the Sound Designer AVAS Unit or Vehicle Unit when not connected to a vehicle or simulator. The CAN messages are then generated in the Sound Designer and sent out via the CAN Gateway.

The Sound Designer CAN Gateway interfaces directly with the CAN.IO and DRIVE.SIM modules of Sound Designer.